Friday, February 6, 2009

Protecting Identities

I have been told, by many people, that the stories of my life are very entertaining. I'd love to share every detail of them, but there's just one problem... a few of the people involved in my life would prefer that their business not be told to everyone who happens upon this blog. Ok, fine, RSM, I'm a creative girl, so I'll modify it a bit. You'll still hear all the stories I would have told you if I had been face to face, but.... instead of getting the names like you would in person, I've decided to give an Alias, a fake name, a pseudonym, to identify each person who wishes to remain unnamed. Now, just to make it a bit more fun, than changing Jane to Sue, and Bobby to Billy, I've decided to name them after movie stars! So, Jane will be Angelina Jolie, and Bobby will be Clark Gable. That'll be much more fun for all of us, don't you think? So, now you can have all the stories and any guessing on who they might be is purely speculation. Oh, and if there is a story that is obvious who it belongs to... it'll be a different name than those that are situational that are not so obvious. Feel free to speculate, but I won't tell for sure! As for my name... I'll tell... just because it's more fun... Chelyse Henderson

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